Mahesh attended the opening ceremony as the chief guest in Vijaywada, the film unit planned the success meet of latest block buster SVSC in Vijaywada with Mahesh babu. Along with Mahesh babu, director of the film Srikanth Addala, producer Dil Raju attended this event. They answered media and public very interestingly for their questions, showing they are very happy about the movie.
Mahesh replied to a question about Venkatesh saying “I am very happy to work with Venkatesh. I have learnt many things from him. No one has as much of knowledge on script as Venkatesh had in this film. Everybody is talking about our combination. We are happy to come infront of you this way”, he explained. “I just don’t want to call it a multi starrer, it is a great film of all time. Actually am not here to promote this film, as it needs no more promotion and am here just to thank everyone who are showing love on this movie and made it a great success”, he continued.
Even he suggested that audience shouldn’t encourage piracy, everyone should watch this film along with their families in theaters.