Android phone users felt left out when Prisma was released to iOS phones recently. The app developed by Prisma labs has finally come to Android devices after weeks of waiting, and it is now available on Google Play Store for download.Prisma is a photo editing app that went viral when it was launched in June. It is second only to augmented reality (AR) mobile game Pokemon Go in terms of hype and craze a mobile app has created this summer.
It was initially released only on iOS and reportedly got over a million downloads till July 14. The number will only grow now that it has come to Andorid.There are several apps like Instagram, Pikazo, VSCO and Mextures where photos can be edited, but Prisma is a class apart for more reasons than one. It uses artificial intelligence algorithms rather than just filters to generate images, giving an arty feel to the picture.
“Prisma transforms your photos into artworks using the styles of famous artists: Munk, Picasso as well as world famous ornaments and patterns. A unique combination of neural networks and artificial intelligence helps you turn memorable moments into timeless art,” reads the description of the app on Google Play Store.
The app uses about 36 filters, and many take cues from famous painters, making the final outcome all the more authentic.
Pros of the app
– It is a free app (no loyalty fee)
– Easy privacy policy
– Direct share option on social media
– Size and quality of photos remain the same after editing unlike other apps
Cons of the app
– It takes a few seconds to apply a filter and convert your picture into art
– It takes 15MB space
– It has many bugs
– It needs internet connection, so error may occur if connection is weak
Prisma may not be perfect but is the most happening photo editing app at the moment. The way it turns a simple digital picture into a piece of art in just a few seconds will thrill most people. Photography and art lovers are hooked to it just as gamers are hooked to Pokemon Go, which has been released in 36 countries so far.Prisma app is currently available for download on Google Play Store.