Prisma, a photo-editing app which was launched a few weeks ago on Apple App store, has taken the world by storm. The app has now been made available on Android OS version as well.Prisma, despite being only available on Apple store, already has got one million daily active users and has reached number 1 rank in 44 countries.Once it get launched officially on Google Play store, it won’t be long before it gains popularity on par with augmented-reality game “Pokémon Go.”
What’s so special about Prisma?
If you surf through the app stores, you will find hundreds and thousands of photo-editing apps. While they provide just generic photography tools, Prisma offers more than 30 different filters inspired by artistic portrait like impressions done by world renowned painters such as Pablo Picasso, Monet, Van Gogh, Edvard Munch, Levitan and Kandinsky, as well as popular patterns and ornaments in a matter of seconds.
This wonder app uses a advanced algorithm made of unique combination of neural networks and artificial intelligence to help turn a digital image taken with a smartphone to a piece of art.Alexey Moiseenkov, Prisma developer, has also revealed that the company is working to bring more filters options along with 360-degree view and a video filter is almost ready for roll-out later this month.
Prisma video filter coming soonAlexey Moiseenkov (Prisma App developer) via Facebook
As of now, Prisma app for Android is in beta version and is available for select people through invite system. Interested users have to log in to Prisma’s official website (HERE) and sign up for news by providing name and email-ID.Once the user submits the application, he/she will receive a mail from Prisma with the application download details.If patience is not your strongest suit, users can install the APK file right now.Readers, be advised, there are risks involved in installing an APK file, as it may contain malware. So, we advise our readers to proceed with caution.
This procedure is very technical and should be performed by a person with sound knowledge of manual software installation on smart devices. IBTimes India cannot be held responsible for any damage or claims from readers if the procedure does not yield the required results or if the device gets damaged and users lose personal data.
How to install Prisma APK file on Android smartphones:
Before proceeding to the installation, make sure to tweak settings in the device to allow installation of APK file.Go to Settings >> Security>> Tap Unknown sources. A message pops up saying—”Your Phone and personal data are more vulnerable to attack by apps from unknown sources. You agree that you are solely responsible for any damage to your phone or loss of data that may result from using these apps” and press OK.
Then, download the Prisma APK file (HERE) via smartphone. A warning message will pop up again, press OK and commence the installation. Once installed, you are good to go.