Priyamani had disappeared from Telugu Screen for a long time. The actress is short of offers and is gearing up for marriage. However she got a surprise call from the makers of Allu Arjun’s Sarainodu. They are in talks with her to dance for the item number in their movie. Priya Mani made her item debut with Shah Rukh Khan’s Chennai Express.
From then she did quite of those songs. On the other side, the shooting of the movie is going on at brisk pace. They are planning Summer 2016 release for the movie. Rakul Preet Singh is romancing Bunny in this movie which is being directed by Boyapati Srinu.
Allu Arjun placed a new record with his recent film, S/O Satyamurthy of becoming the only Telugu hero with two 50 Crore share films back to back. On the other side, Boyapati is excited with the success of his Legend. SS Thaman will be scoring the music and Geetha Arts will be producing this flick which is touted to be an action oriented Love Story.