Heroine Priyanka Chopra has shocked the nation yet again, this time not with her spicy photo shoot but with her complaint filed on Modi. Common, she has lodged a case on now popular diamond jeweller Nirav Modi, who is the most wanted in the 11,400 crores scam that is going to shake Punjab National Bank from the roots.
It is known that Priyanka is popular for her diamond jewellery ads which she has done with Siddharth Malhotra for Nirav Modi’s brands. She has now accused that Modi didn’t pay her for the diamond ad campaign. With Punjab National Bank (PNB) unveiling an 11,400 crore fraud at a single Mumbai branch and naming diamond firms, including Diamonds R U, Solar Exports, and Stellar Diamonds, it looks like Priyanka is upset with the owner of these firms.
What is so surprising is that Priyanka has stated in 2017 that meeting Nirav Modi is like meeting of minds and showered praises on him for bringing India to the global front. But now that Nirav got locked in a scam, it looks like our heroine wants to severe her ties immediately.
Meanwhile, reports are coming that Nirav Modi has left this country along with family in the first week of January itself. It looks like this is a classic case of another Vijay Mallya, isn’t it?