Indian actress Priyanka Chopra delighted her fans with a stunning appearance at the official wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan. Among 600 guests across the globe, Priyanka was one of the few Indian celebs who attended royal wedding at St George’s Chapel of Windsor Castle in London.
Several fans raved Priyanka’s dazzling & perfect appearance in a poppy Vivenne Westwood outfit and a matching Philip Treacy fascinator. It was nearly impossible to pick a favorite part of PC’s look but what drew huge attention was the pair of shoes she wore to the royal wedding. Like never before, she wore a highly expensive footwear certainly to match the space at royal wedding.
The Chopra girl opted to go with a popular collection of Jimmy Choo and topped it off with a pair of Victoria 100 Chalk Satin and Plexi Pointy pumps with Swarovski crystals. And you will be certainly taken aback with the exorbitant price tag of it- E1,750 (Rs 1,40,000).
On the whole, Priyanka Chopra’s look was as perfect as she wants it to be. After scoring numerous compliments for the red-carpet walk at Met Gala event early this month, this was yet another effortless slay from still-reigning lady of Indian cinema: Priyanka Chopra.