Ever since the BJP led NDA stormed back into power at center after 2014’s general polls, the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, strategically maintained friendly terms with leading news channels and newspapers at the nationwide and at the regional level. Incidentally, a leading newspaper of AP turned out to be biased towards Modi. An opposition party’s Media house has also extended its support to Modi as the head of the party wishes to form coalition with the BJP at the center.
Eventually, there has been no proper Media to magnify the blunders being committed by the Union Government. Although the BJP government got little shocker with Delhi poll results, pro BJP Media seems to have not realized with the negative wave on the government.
Since Media could not predict the pulverizing defeat of the BJP in Bihar, exit poll results also betokened the hung or little majority of the BJP in Bihar. At the end of the day, it appears Bihar defeat was not actually the defeat of the BJP, but it was the BJP pro Media’s defeat.