Bharatiya Janata Party is making all efforts to make inroads into Andhra and Telangana. While Ram Madhav is already on-duty, AP co-in-charge Sunil Deodhar has recently stated that there will no pause to the ongoing investigations on YS Jagan Mohan Reddy, MP Sujana Choudhary and CM Ramesh. ‘Joining BJP will not stop them from facing probe and justice will do its own duty,’ he added. Sunil, who visited Vizag on Saturday, has made the above comments while addressing his party karyakartas. He also made it a point that party leadership is concentrating on Andhra in particular and putting in all efforts to bring BJP into power in 2024.
He further said: “In the coming polls, the major fight will be between YSRCP and BJP. In order to make other parties weak, we might have to get some seniors and crucial leaders into our party. We are planning to implement Tripura formula in AP too and it is necessary to make AP free from corruption and caste-based politics.
Answering a question by media, the senior BJP leader said his party will work against the YCP’s biased, one-directional and irregularities polices. He also spoke about how the party has highlighted about Police protection to churches in AP and hiking pastors’ salary.
Sunil also alleged that TDP failed to issue the utilization certificate on Polavaram and also referred to YCP’s attack that TDP involved in irregularities when it comes to Polavaram. ‘That is why we could not allocate funds in the recent budget,’ he stated. Finally, Mr. Deodhar stated the victory of YSRCP must be attributed to the anti-incumbency for TDP government and also since there was no other alternative for voters.