Megastar Chiranjeevi’s Prestigious 150th film, Kathilantodu finally got launched couple of days. The makers are planning to begin the shoot very soon. But it is emerging that the story controversy about the film is not yet solved. Writer Narasimha Rao, who is fighting battle to get due credit and recognition for his story is planning to stall the shoot.
Speaking to a media house, he said, “Vinayak called me and promised settle my issue. I need to get due credit for my story. My story is already registered with the writers association and it is also verified. Though Vinayak called me, he is yet to give me any assurance that I would get the credit for the story”.
He went on to say that he will wait for couple of days more and will then decide up on the next action. Previously Chiranjeevi delayed the film shoot as he do not want controversies to plague his prestigious project. But we do not know why he launched the film with out getting the issue resolved.