Ram Gopal Varma introduced the Co-Producer of ‘Kamma Rajyam Lo Kadapa Reddlu’ Mr. Ajay Mysore to his Followers on Twitter. By sharing a photograph of the Producer surrounded by sexy girls and while sitting in a swanky car, Varma described Ajay Mysore as the Indian Dan Bilzerian and revealed he loves cars too.
Dan Bilzerian is an American Actor, Gambler and Internet Personality. You should know what Varma meant when he compared Ajay Mysore with Dan Bilzerian?
The first impression one would get going through the post shared by RGV is that Ajay Mysore is a rich man who is living his life to the fullest. Be Rich to have the best experiences in your life…what do you say?
Team ‘Kamma Rajyam Lo Kadapa Reddlu’ is happy with over-whelming response for the trailer. Over 3 million views in a span of just 24 hours for a low-budget flick is a humongous achievement.