Actor Prudhvi, who took over the reigns of SVBC channel as its Chairman, has made the interesting announcement to the channel’s employees. He vowed that the existing employees of SVBC would soon be made permanent employees. He promised that 286 employees of SVBC channel would get due justice.
Prudhvi said he would convince CM Jagan Mohan Reddy for the same by touching his feet if needed. “Jagan gari Kallu Pattukuni Ayina Sare, SVBC Employees Ni Permanent Cheyisthanu,” said Prudhvi who shifted his base to Tirupati. Prudhvi said he has changed his Voter Card and Aadhar Card to Tirupati and said he has been working from Tirupati.
Prudhvi recalled his journey into films. He expressed his gratitude to actor Prabhakar Reddy with whose support he entered into films. Prudhvi said he worked under director Bapu as his assistant. Prudhvi said though he was born in West Godavari district’s Tadepalli, he said he had studied at Srikalahasthi by staying at his aunt’s house.
Prudhvi said he had worked in a channel and contributed film news. He reiterated that he would not talk politics in Tirumala and said he would also talk about the issues. He urged ideas and advice from media fraternity for the development of SVBC channel. He said SVBC programmes would also be telecast in Hindi.