Actor-turned-politician Pawan Kalyan has an interesting lineup of films in his kitty. Power Star recently wrapped up Vakeel Saab shooting and started shooting for upcoming films.Pawan Kalyan has collaborated with Jagarlamudi Radha Krishna aka Krish for a periodical drama. The film, which is likely to be on the lines of Robin Hood is tentatively titled PSPK 27, Power Star Pawan Kalyan’s 27th film.
Mega Surya Production, which is bankrolling PSPK has announced that the film will have a theoretical release for the Sankanrhi season, next year. In the tweet, the makers revealed that PSPK 27 will be a periodical film.”The most awaited film of Power Star @PawanKalyan garu & our @DirKrish, #PSPK27 will be coming on Sankranthi 2022. Partying faceStar-struck. Get ready to witness the Periodic Extravaganza and Might Power Fire like never before on Big Screens, ” the production house tweeted.
PSPK 27 is the first-ever collaboration of Power Star Pawan Kalyan and director Krish. The film was announced last year. The venture is expected to be set in British-era.