Public's Shock Treatment For Baahubali Distributor


While distributors in most of the areas in US are selling Premiere tickets of Baahubali: The Conclusion for exorbitant prices, distributor of Ottawa is forced to put a cap on the price.

Original idea was to put 30$ for Premieres and 25$ for regular shows. Telugu people that are already fed up with these business tactics decided to boycott the film if they don’t fix a reasonable price.

OTA (Ottawa Telugu Association) issued stern warning to boycott watching Baahubali if they set high price for the ticket.

Distributor was left with no choice but to bow down to their demands and is selling the tickets for 12.25$ in Landmark Cinemas 24 Kanata, Ottawa.

This is widely appreciated by Telugu communities across the United States. Observers say that this incident could trigger a movement which may bring down the ticket prices of Telugu films in USA.

While ticket price of Hollywood and Bollywood films is just around 10$, Telugu distributors are milking local film lovers with exorbitant price tags, they told.