Ever since the news about Daggubati family joining YSR Congress Party came out, the social media has been heavily debating, trolling and discussing on it. While some netizens welcomed their decision, some others are finding fault in it. Reacting on this matter, the daughter of NTR and BJP leader Daggubati Purandeshwari has condemned the criticism against her family.
Purandeshwari went on to release a statement wherein she said “few people are politicizing this matter on social media for their self-benefits.” On other hand, the former union minister of state rubbished the rumors about on her and affirmed that she’ll stay with BJP though her son Hithesh Chenchuram and husband Venkateshwara Rao joined YSR Congress Party.
And here are few excerpts from her statement: “Do they know the fact that I lost two children? One before my daughter and one before my son. And do they know that my late father Sri NTR had forcefully sent me to United States for the special treatment? In this episode, I have got nothing to respond to those who target me personally. Do they know that Telugu Desham Party rejected Daggubati Venkateswara Rao when we decided to re-enter into politics? Do they know about TDP’s conspiracy to make sure that I won’t get BJP ticket in 2014 polls? I love my family regardless of the politics. And I have no track record of criticising someone personally. So, I request everyone to deal with personal matters sensitively and not attack my children and family personally.”