Samaikyandhra JAC activists had laid siege to the residences of union ministers Purandeswari, Kavuri Sambasiva Rao, Killi Krupa Rani, Panabaka Lakshmi and MPs Sabbam Hari, Sai Pratap, Lagadapati Rajagopal, Konakalla Narayana, Chinta mohan, Botsa Jhansi, Shiva Prasad, Rayapati Sambasiva Rao and others on Monday, asking them to resign in support of the demand to keep the state united.
JAC leaders pitched a tent at the residence of Lagadapati in Vijayawada. NGOs climbed atop the building and tried to go into the house. There was tension for a while there. The agitators demanded the MP to mount pressure on the Congress High Command in support of their demand. They expressed anger that leaders of the Seemandhra region were not talking when the Congress High Command was dividing the state.
They said excepting CPI(M) and Majlis no other party was taking note of the sentiments of the people of Seemandhra. They also questioned why the TRS leaders were not talking about the 610 GO in the Assembly. They warned that the state would turn into a fire ball if it was divided. They demanded that the union ministers and MPs should resign and uphold the self-esteem of the Telugu people.