Director Puri Jagannadh has decided to shelve his much-anticipated high-budgeted film Rogue. After so much hype and hungama, Puri Jagan shelving the film taken everyone by surprise. Estimated as over Rs 40 Crore budget film, producer CR Manohar’s son Ishaan was supposed to make his debut with the film. At a time when all is set to launch movie, Puri shelving the project has shocked one and all.
Going into details, Puri apparently wants to make different, innovative films now on wards. After observing the changing trends in the industry, Puri felt the need to reinvent himself and come out with a very novel concept. Puri, who made films like Badri, Amma Nanna Tamil Ammayi, Pokiri, Business Man, is chalking out plans to make a movie that he has never attempted before.
It’s learnt that Puri dropped Rogue in order to make a completely new story. The yet-to-be-titled film will be shot in a very unique and different style and it’s heard that Puri took it as prestigious for this film. For this, Puri is going to a foreign country to work on its script. For a change, Puri also changed his regular place Bangkok where he writes scripts of all his films.