Actor Sai Ram Shankar, who is the younger brother of ace director Puri Jagannadh, is all set to test his hands at film production. Sai Ram Shankar is turning producer with his up next film. He along with his close friends is very soon turning producer and is going to make a film.
Sai Ram Shankar is in the process of starting a new production banner and the registration process at Film Chamber is underway. Apart from producing the film, Sai Raam will play the lead character in the movie.
Meanwhile, Sai Ram has signed another film as well as hero. Titled as Resound, the film was recently launched. Sai Ram has Puri’s blessings and complete support. So, he has to get a good break to get into Puri’s notice. Puri is also so keen to revive Sai Raam’s sagging filmy career.