Telangana Chief Minister has thrown satire on ace shuttler PV Sindhu. Sindhu, who won Silver in World Badminton Championship 2017 after breathtaking final match where she lost to champion with just two points, along with her celebrated coach Pullela Gopichand met CM KCR.
KCR has facilitated Sindhu and appreciated both Sindhu, Gopichand on their success. However, KCR has thrown a funny comment on Sindhu. KCR jocularly said, “We support even Andhra employees.”And pat came reply from PV Sindhu. She told KCR, “I have practiced Badminton here and learned the game here.” KCR and others accompanying him broke into laughs.
Although Sindhu has her roots from Andhra and brought up in Telangana, Andhra Pradesh government has appointed her as Deputy Collector and hence, she is currently an employee of AP State government. KCR had made his funny comment based on this.