Yesteryear leading actress Raasi is all set to make a comeback after a long gap. The actress, who has starred in more than 80 films as the female lead, is playing Malavika Nair’s mother in Kalyana Vaibhogame to be directed by Nandini Reddy. “I am doing this film because of Nandini Reddy. She had come to me long ago for this role. I had told her that I was not interested and also, my daughter was just three months old and I had to look after her. But she came again after five months and narrated the role to me. My daughter is now eight months old and I agreed to do it,” says Raasi.
“I don’t want to do whatever roles come to me. I have been approached for Tamil films too,” she reveals. This is the first film that she has accepted after her marriage with Tollywood director Nivas. “I am facing the camera after almost 12 years. But I don’t find any difference between then and now,” says Raasi. “If you look at all my previous films, there was importance given to the actress, too. I played prominent parts in all my films. I really feel happy that at my time, there were some good family-oriented films and the lead actress also got importance. But nowadays, the lead actress is just part of the film and her role is not important,” she adds.
The actress says that she is not interested in social media. “I hate taking selfies and posting on social media. Nowadays, people are not saying ‘good morning’ to their parents, but they put selfies on Twitter or Facebook and say ‘good morning’ to their boyfriend/girlfriend. I don’t like this culture,” she says. Raasi says there are many Telugu girls who are looking for good opportunities in the industry. “It is not true that Telugu girls are not coming forward. Being a Telugu ammayi, I have played prominent roles in many films,” says Raasi.