Mega Prince Varun Tej and director Krish’s ‘Kanche’ has been acclaimed by the critics and movie lovers in greater quarters. Having been made with an interesting backdrop of second world war, the movie earned decent shares at the box office as well. News has been broken out recently that Krish, himself, would be directing and producing another movie with Varun Tej that titled ‘Raayabari’. Gossipmongers speculated it would be another Krish’s mark of feel good entertainer lacking a few commercial elements.
However, sources close to the makers of ‘Raayabari’ disclosed that it would an out and out action entertainer and Varun Tej essays the role of an undercover cop in this movie. As Varun Tej’s upcoming film ‘Loafer’ is also being made with romantic, family and action elements, the actor seems to be aiming at a big star status with the nonstop successes of these commercial potboilers. Meanwhile, ‘Loafer’ is slated for release on December 18.