Star Boy Siddhu Jonnalagadda and Anupama Parameswaran are coming together in the upcoming film, Tillu Square. The movie is a sequel to the cult blockbuster, DJ Tillu. Suryadevara Naga Vamsi is producing the film on Sithara Entertainments and Fortune Four Cinema is co-producing and Srikara Studios is presenting the film.
Mallik Ram is directing the film and Sai Prakash Ummadisingu is handling Cinematography.
Recently, Ticket eh Konakunda, single from Tillu Square has become a viral hit. Now, Radhika, second single, from the album has been released by the makers.
This song is composed and sung by Singer-composer Ram Miriyala. Kasarla Shyam wrote lyrics for the song. The tune, lyrics and singing style make it catchy and energetic beat of the year.
Surely, the song will end up as one of the big chartbusters. Tillu Square is scheduled for a worldwide grand release on 9th February, 2024.