K Raghavendra Rao had made more than 100 movies as a director and he is regarded as one of the legends in Tollywood. His disciples like Rajamouli turned out to be most successful directors too. But unfortunately, his son is struggling to get a foothold as a director. One can now safely declare that Raghavendra Rao’s son K S Prakash Rao has delivered another dud with Size Zero as the collections for the first weekend of the movie are really low. While Anushka’s recent films have had staggering openings, Size Zero’s global collections for the first weekend are anything but superb.
Trade analysts say that producers will end up losing heavily. In the past, Prakash’s Anaganaga O Dheerudu which had Siddharth in the lead also failed miserably at the box office. Now, his second film has also met with the same fate. While his father and grandfather delivered many hits in Tollywood, Prakash is yet to make a name for himself.