With the joining of Revanth Reddy, Telangana Congress is set to undergo big makeover. The party leadership is likely to change from at all levels as Revanth and his supporters would get prominent posts in the party mainly in the state and district committees.
The party high comment assured Revanth of the allotment nearly 20 assembly constituencies and five Lok Sabha seats to the former TDP leader’s close aides who joined Congress. Sources said that Revanth was also promised to get a key post in Telangana Pradesh Congress Committee (TPCC). Since he already enjoyed the working President post in TDP, Revanth is aspired for the equal post in Congress also. It is learnt that AICC made promise to give Working President post in Telangana Congress. Before that, he may be given in-charge of party campaign committee.
Revanth will be elevated to a top post in Congress but with a condition he should create confidence to the AICC that the party will come to power under his leadership in 2019 elections. All the TPCC leaders including President N Uttam Kumar Reddy were also put targets to strengthen the Congress. Those who succeeded would only survive and enjoy the top posts.
The TDP leaders who joined along with Revanth will be accommodated in some party posts and utilize their expertise in consolidating the party in the districts.