Rahul Gandhi Epic Tweet On Modi’s Fitness Challenge

After delivering a huge set back in Karnataka, Rahul Gandhi and his team have upped their ante against Modi and leaving no leaf unturned to corner Modi. In his fresh attack, Rahul has turned towards populist issue of Fuel Price hike that saw a steep rise in the last 10 days.

Giving a strong rejoinder to Narendra Modi who took up Virat Kohli’s fitness challenge, Rahul demanded Modi to take up Fuel Challenge and said Congress will do a nationwide agitation and will force Modi to reduce the raising fuel prices. This tweet of Rahul Gandhi has gone viral with Twitterati can’t help but praise Rahul’s timely tweet and challenge to Modi.

“Dear PM,

Glad to see you accept the @imVkohli fitness challenge. Here’s one from me: Reduce Fuel prices or the Congress will do a nationwide agitation and force you to do so. I look forward to your response. #FuelChallenge,” tweeted Rahul Gandhi.

Earlier this morning, Prime Minister Narendra Modi tweeted his response to Virat Kohli’s fitness challenge. “Challenge accepted, Virat! I will be sharing my own #FitnessChallenge video soon,” Modi wrote in reply to Kohli, promising to share his own fitness video soon. This has become talking point in political circles. After Rahul’s epic response, Modi and his team are said to be embarrassed.