The Congress party will be reportedly holding a meeting of AICC on January 17 for preparing the strategy for the Lok Sabha polls, triggering speculations that Rahul Gandhi may be anointed the party’s prime ministerial candidate at this meeting. This announcement was made by party general secretary Janardan Dwivedi, which comes close on the heels of the party’s disastrous defeat in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Delhi.
BJP had named Narendra Modi as PM candidate in September. Since then, there has been criticism that Congress has been reticent about naming its nominee. On the day the assembly poll results came, party chief Sonia Gandhi reportedly said that the party would announce its prime ministerial candidate at an opportune time. This meeting will be held at a time when Congress is facing an uphill task with the emergence of Modi as a force to reckon with and some allies of UPA sending warning signals. Given Rahul’s credentials it has to be seen how things will take shape now.