Income Tax officials on Tuesday raided the office of Gautamiputra Satakarni producer Rajeev Reddy and the office of the film’s Nizam distributor Sudhakar Reddy. The I-T Department initiated the raids only sometime ago and the raids are presently going on simultaneously at First Frame Entertainment office near Filmnagar and Sreshth Movies office near Jubilee Hills checkpost.
The film released on Jan 12 opened to unanimous reviews all over and been faring well at the ticket windows. The state governments of AP and Telangana have waived off the Entertainment Tax to the film and this resulted inĀ good profits to distributors, producers.
Starring Balakrishna, Shriya Saran and Hema Malini in stellar roles, the film has done nearly 60 Crore share worldwide including 1.7 Million USD gross in US alone.
Meanwhile, it needs to be seen whether similar raids would be conducted on Khaidi No.150 that grossed Rs 150 Crore world-wide, or not.