Actress Shilpa Shetty’s husband Raj Kundra made headlines when he reacted to an old interview of his ex wife Kavita speaking about Shilpa Shetty. In the old video which is going viral, Kavita blamed Shilpa Shetty for her failed relationship with Raj. However, Raj Kundra reacted sharply by dismissing her claims and instead pointed out that it was due to her infidelity the relationship ended and he later moved on.
He expressed that his ex wife Kavita was having an affair with his sister’s husband when they were residing in London. Kundra asserted that she would get paid ‘thousands of pounds’ for the interviews to speak against Shilpa Shetty. And for the very reason he couldn’t reach his daughter, who was just 40 days old during the period of their separation.
Speaking to a media portal he said, “We were living in one house with my mum, dad and my sister and her husband had moved over from India to try and settle in the UK. She grew very close to my ex brother in law spending more and more time with him especially when I was out on business trips”.
He added that his family and even their driver would say they felt something fishy about his ex wife’s relationship.
Raj and Kavita got married in 2003 and were divorced in 2006. Later Raj married Shilpa in 2009 and at present have two children.