Young hero Raj Tarun has been arrested and immediately released on bail. Madhapur DCP Venkateswara Rao has listed the details of Raj Tarun’s accident episode.
“Hero Raj Tarun surrendered before the police yesterday and we have served him notices under 41 CrPC and sent him back. On Friday we arrested him and booked two cases against him under sections 279 and 336 of IPC which is reckless driving and damaging property. After the arrest, we recorded his statement and on bail, we released him,” said the DCP.
The police also said they have arrested the witness Karthik based on a complaint by Raj Tarun’s managed Raja Ravindra. “We also received a complaint that Karthik is blackmailing Raj Tarun in connection with the accident episode. We are investigating the case. Karthik is arrested and his statement is also being recorded,” added Madhapur DCP.