Actress Arthana Binu says her co-star Raj Tarun made working on forthcoming Telugu film “Seethamma Andalu Ramayya Sitralu”, which releases in cinemas on Friday, an experience to remember for a long time. “Working with Raj was so much fun. Even with three back-to-back hits, he stays grounded and is a pleasure to work with.
He’s extremely supportive and made the whole working experience memorable,” Arthana told IANS. Two best things to have happened to the debutante on this project are Raj Tarun and her role. “I found a great friend in Raj, because rarely do you find genuinely good people in this line of work. Besides Raj, the best thing to have happened on this film would be my role,” she said.
Calling the film a “sweet love story”, she said she plays a character that’ll appeal to audiences and critics alike. “It’s story that focuses on the importance of friendship and true love. It’s a clean romantic entertainer with some family values,” she said. A Malayali by descent, Arthana was chosen for the project after a casting agent found her pictures on Facebook.
“Although I had my own reservations about debuting in an alien industry, I’m glad things worked out in my favour. I completed the film without any hassles. I thoroughly enjoyed working in this project. The people were so warm and very helpful,” she said. While offers continue to pour in for Arthana, she’s not in a hurry to sign more films.
“I’m currently doing my final year of B.A. Journalism in Mass Communication and Video Production. My final semester exams are due in February. I don’t want to sign any new projects until I’m through with my exams,” she added. Arthana also has a Malayalam project in her kitty.