Suddenly a negative trend has started emerging about collections of a big star’s film. Even when Khaidi No 150 collected 100 crores share and Janata Garage made 80+ crores share, there was no noise about the authenticity of the collections. However, DJ Duvvada Jagannadham slipped into a controversy, with many on social media and some people in media blatantly confirming that the collections are ‘fake’.
Upon some digging, people started giving their reasoning behind calling DJ collections as fake. “Recently Rajamouli told that Magadheera 100 days centres are faked. So what’s no guarantee that DJ Duvvada Jagannadham collections are not fake?”, some said. But Rajamouli told about Magadheera centres, not collections, isn’t it? And Magadheera is Allu Arvind’s production but DJ is not his own production.
In an interview to a popular news channel, Rajamouli told that he got upset with producers boasting fake centres list for films like Simhadri and Magadheera. So, should we now say that Rajamouli’s revelation led to people believing that DJ collections are fake?
Some cine-observers commented this way- “If one small-time heroine is caught in prostitution, people say that whole of the film industry is like that. In reality, there is no truth is such assumption. Now that Rajamouli told Magdheera 100 days centres are faked, people are believing that DJ Collections are also faked. So who is to be blamed here? Rajamouli’s statement or People’s mindset??