Bollywood leading lady Ali Bhatt has turned down S S Rajamouli’s offer, said a prominent Bollywood movie website.There are different stories floating around about Rajamouli’s “RRR”. Tired of reading many reports, Rajamouli will be meeting the media to address all aspects.
According to reports, Rajamouli will meet the press this Thursday.”RRR” being made with whopping Rs 300 Cr budget in Telugu, Tamil, Hindi and Malayalam languages stars NTR and Ram Charan together for the first time.
Touted be costliest ever Telugu film, “RRR” has completed two long shoot schedules in Hyderabad and is planning to film next schedule in Kolkota for 45 days.In the case of “Eega” and “Baahubali” movies, Rajamouli gave clarity about the movie’s content, theme and casting at the very start.
He spoke to the media at the launch of those movies. However, he skipped such press meet for “RRR”.