SS Rajamouli, the visionary director behind the global phenomenon “RRR,” recently shared a hilarious anecdote during a fan interaction in Japan. He spoke about the time his brother and music composer MM Keeravaani, won the Oscar for Best Original Song for “Naatu Naatu.”
The short story revolves around Keeravaani’s acceptance speech for the prestigious award. Knowing the Oscars’ strict 45-second time limit for speeches, Rajamouli recognized a potential hurdle. “Keeravaani was very confident about winning,” Rajamouli explained, “but in the Oscars, they only give 45 seconds to deliver the speech. So, for him to get up from his chair and come up to the stage, he would get a bit of breathlessness.”
To combat this, Rajamouli devised a training regimen for Keeravaani in the weeks leading up to the ceremony. “For almost three weeks before the Academy Awards,” Rajamouli said, “I used to make Keeravaani practice his speech.” This involved the composer simulating the walk to the stage, complete with stairs, to manage his breathing and prepare for the actual moment.
Rajamouli added with a chuckle, “We always told him to walk slowly to avoid breathlessness and deliver his speech. He said ok. That is how he practised all those three weeks. But on the day when it was announced that ‘RRR’ won the coveted award, he forgot all the training!” Thankfully, despite the forgotten practice sessions, Keeravaani managed to deliver his speech without succumbing to breathlessness, making for a truly memorable Oscars moment.