It has often been noticed that director Rajamouli has tried to give something new to the audience with each film of his. Even now he is busy with the shooting of the film ‘Bahubali’ and this is going to set a historic impact in Tollywood. But the news now is Rajamouli’s attempt at changing the face of Tollywood business.
According to reports, it is known that Rajamouli launched a website and this is meant to be his personal website. Bu the talk is that Rajamouli is planning to upload his films in that and just like in America, the users can watch the film by paying a premium fee.
But some cyber experts are stating this is a good concept provided Rajamouli can build a robust website that can prevent any hacking attempts and piracy attacks. If he can pass that one then it is definitely going to create a new avenue for film business. But will the theatre owners happy be with it, is another question.