Now the hot talk about movies in two Telugu states is ‘Sardar gabbar singh’. The craze is as high as it got for ‘Bahubali’. Rajamouli used social network very well to promote his BB. He updated every important news in his sites which gained high craze and following. Recently Chiru commented that BB has crested records in Telugu film industry. Many more movies should break these records. Talented artists, directors and technicians in Telugu film industry should break this record.
His intension is to convey that industry should give its best to entertain audience. Responding to this Rajamouli said that they have worked hard to break several records of past. Now Pawan is also working hard for Sardar. This movie should break BB records. These records should be broke by another hit movie from Telugu industry.
In speech given by Chiru; he wished the team of Sardar that movie should go successfully and break the records. Pawan and Rajamouli should show Telugu citizens talent and art to the world and he wished Sardar and Bahubali team all the best. Along with him Rana, Prabhas, Tamanna, Anushka and Bahubali producers everyone wished Sardar for grand success