Rajasekhar’s wife Jeevita has put an end to the speculations of the Garuda Vega actor playing villain role in Rajamouli’s mega multistarrer #RRR.Rajamouli attending the launch event of Shivani’s debut film might have sparked off the rumors, she opined.
“Rajasekhar is not been contacted by anybody from #RRR team as of now. Rajamouli garu just came to bless our daughter on her acting debut,”Jeevita told.So Rajamouli-Rama rao-Ram Charan film still remains #RRR and is not #RRRR as speculated by a section of media.Meanwhile, Rajamouli is busy in fine tuning the script. He is yet to give a narration to Tarak and Charan.
The film will start rolling from September. Tarak and Charan are supposed to take one month workshop before the start of the shoot.