Rajasekhar got a new lease of life thanks to the success of Praveen Sattaru’s “PSV Garuda Vega”.Prior to this, he had series of flops and people even scared to watch his movies in theaters.He won appreciation from new age audiences too with the “Garuda Vega”. This has given him confidence to experiment with the stories.
Interestingly, he will now be speaking in Telangana dialect in his next movie. Rajasekhar has given his nod to director Prasanth Varma of “Awe” fame to direct him.A film in their combination is going to be launched pretty soon which will be produced by Rajasekhar’s own production house.The director has officially announced that the story will be set in 1980’s Telangana. Prasanth Varma is now looking for writers who can write authentic Telangana dialect.
The success of Ram Charan’s “Rangasthalam”, which was revenge drama set in 1980’s Godavari villages, has made filmmakers to think about this genre. Only difference is that it will be set in rural Telangana.
It remains to be seen whether Rajasekhar could pull off this role.