Comedy hero Rajendra Prasad is all set to do a suspense thriller. As per the details, the regular shoot of his new film ‘Nanna Boochi’ will be started from 1st June onwards. The movie will be made with child sentiment as the backdrop. Vijay Katla will be directing this movie while Sudhakar and Shankar Reddy will be producing it on Tatavarthi Media banner. Baby Spoorthi is the presenter. Mahathi is composing the music of the film. The movie’s shoot will be wrapped in two schedules.
Of late, rajendra prasad has proved his versatility in doing various kind of roles. He did a hilarious role in Allu Arjun’s ‘Julayi’. In ‘Onamalu’ he was seen as a school master. Currently, he is doing one more interesting movie which titled ‘Noothilo Kappalu’.