Tamil Superstar Rajinikanth’s ‘Kabali’ is being filmed in a rapid pace at the moment. The movie was thought to be readied for release by Sankranthi. However, due to the possible delay in the shoot of the film, the production team of the movie is contemplating to release the film on April 4.
However, Power Star Pawan Kalyan’s ‘Sardaar Gabbar Singh’s release date has reportedly been locked to April 8. Moreover, Stylish Star Allu Arjun’s ‘Sarainodu’ is also expected to be released in the same season. If the regular shoot of the movie is wrapped up on time, Prince Mahesh’s ‘Brahmotsavam’ is also expected to hit screens in the month of April.
Owing to heavy rush of Tollywood’s crazy projects in the month of April, there couldn’t be any room for dubbing films in spite of the presence of Superstars like Rajinikanth in those films. It then remains to be seen whether ‘Kabali’ gets its Telugu version postponed or do the makers prefer another comfortable release date of the movie.