Around two decades ago, the southern film industry witnessed the kind of Tsunami Rajinikanth’s Basha created both in Telugu and Tamil films. Rajini’s intense punch dialogues as a mafia don are still popular among his fans. Even the screenplay structure in films was deeply influenced by Basha’s screenplay of having a powerful flashback in the second half. Samara Simha Reddy, Indra etc are some finest examples of having Basha hangover.
Now, after a long time, Rajinikanth is again dabbling with a film that has mafia backdrop. His next film in young director Ranjith’s direction will feature Rajinikanth as an ageing mafia lord and the movie will kick start in Malaysia in August. Even more exciting news is that Rajini will have no heroine beside him to romance.
Superstar’s fans have already started trending ‘Simham Single ga Vasthundi’ since Rajini will be the sole lead of the film without a heroine. Even the hardcore Rajini fans are also kicked about Rajini’s move by choosing a mafia backdrop and that too without a female lead. We will have to wait until the year end to see if Rajini will manage to create yet another Tsunami.