Superstar Rajnikanth has finally donated for the Hudhud victims as he announced that he will send a cheque of 5 lakhs to Andhra Pradesh CM’s Relief Fund. Earlier, Rajni has apologized to Telugu fans for not attending the Memu Saitham telethon that is aimed at raising the funds for the help of victims who lost everything in the devastating cyclone Hudhud that hit the districts of Vizag, Vijayanagarm and Srikakulam on October 12th after its landfall.
Earlier, other celebs from cine fraternity have all managed to donate around 5+ crores to Hudhud victims. On the flip side, many wonder why a big shot like Rajni who charges a hefty sum for his films managed to donate only 5 lakhs? Is that sum not too small for your stature Rajni sir? Probably he is into lot of philanthrophic activities already, and that left him no space to go beyond that figure.