“She need not earn money as long as she does not waste any money that I have earned”, said Superstar Rajnikanth, giving a most shocking tip to her daughter Soundarya. While addressing the gathering at ‘Lingaa’ audio launch, he made these comments in reference to the flop show of ‘Kochadaiayan’ that was directed by his darling daughter.
Rajnikanth pointed out that Soundarya has lost huge chunk of money by making Kochadaiayaan but praised her for the experience she has got. “She lost money, but the experience was huge. She knows more about people’s money, time and schedules”, he said. One may wonder why Rajni spoke about his daughter at the audio launch of Lingaa, so here goes the answer. ‘Lingaa’ is co-produced by marketing and distribution giant EROS along with Rockline Venkatesh.
And for freshers, Soundarya joined recently as Director for Creative and Strategy at Eros Entertainment. The company considers her to be an asset as she has immense experience in digital technology now. That justifies why Rajni spoke about his daughter and the money-tip.