Its raining bad news for Rajinikanth fans these days. Buoyed by the super success of the First Look Teaser of Kabali, they were eagerly waiting for the movie’s audio release. But the makers shocked them by cancelling the audio release event. Reports are coming in that the movie release is also postponed from July 1st to July 15th.
Now sources in Kollywood tells us that the audio release event is cancelled because Rajinikanth is not doing well. They say the actor did not go to USA on vacation and he is being treated there for some health issue. Since there is no point in having the audio launch event with out him, the makers have cancelled it.
Rajinikanth fans are very much worried with this news. We all know that Rajinikanth had fallen ill few years ago and had to get treated in Singapore. The Superstar is away from camera for more than an year. As Kabali gears up for release in July, Rajinikanth also have his most awaited film, 2.0 under the direction of Sensational director Shankar in Production stage.