Superstar Rajinikanth, who is known for throwing surprises, stunned yet again with his new look in Kabali. Rajini took a selfie of himself in his makeup room while sporting this weird attire. Although the Kabali look of Rajini is a la Heath Ledger’s Joker getup in The Dark Knight, the makers took care of Rajini look by making few changes. Reportedly, Rajini will be seen as a don in the film.
At a time when many of his fans are drawing comparisons with his previous film Baasha, already Rajini has made it clear to fans that Kabali wouldn’t be like Baasha and asked them to not to have such expectations. Billed to be a mob film, Pa Ranjith has written and directed the film. Radhika Apte of Legend fame and actor Prakash Raj will be seen in supporting roles.