Responding on the plagiarism accusations over his upcoming flick ‘Lingaa’, Superstar Rajnikanth has simply quashed all those charges claiming that that his movie’s script is quite original and innovative. A small-time film maker KV Ratnam alleged that story of ‘Lingaa’ is a direct lift-off from his movie ‘Mullai 999’ that revolves around the life of an engineer named Colonel John Pennycuick, a British engineer behind the construction of Mullaperiyar dam in the border of Tamilnadu and Kerala.
“I reserve my right to proceed against the petitioner as his copy-cat allegations on Lingaa damaged my fame, name and tarnished my imageâ€, stated Rajnikanth in his counter-petition to Court as he was asked to respond by a Madurai court regarding the petition filed by KV Ratnam. “Lingaa is an original story written by Mr Ponkumaran and further developd a new high by director KS Ravikumarâ€, he adds.
Also Rajni mentioned in his petition that a film needs to have continuous 13 scenes from a script to be considered as a rip-off and also subjects of national interests like Mullaperiyaar dam count be copyrighted to some individual. ‘Lingaa’ is aiming for a December 12th release on Rajni’s birthday eve though the release was not sure for now.