Tollywood actress Amyra Dastur, known for Emraan Hashmi starrer film Mr X, is making Tollywood debut soon. In fact, the dazzling diva who was seen opposite in Dhanush’s Anekudu was considered for mega power star Ram Charan’s Dhruva being helmed by Surender Reddy, but opted out due to some reasons.
Now, if reports are anything to go by, this leggy lasso is set to romance young hero Raj Tarun in his new film Raju Gadu. Earlier, Akhil heroine Sayyesha Saigal name was heard, but the makers have condemned the reports saying they haven’t approached her for the film.
The film Raju Gadu directed by Sanjana went on floors recently and shooting is currently progressing in Hyderabad. The makers are in hunt to rope in another heroine to cast opposite Raj Tarun in the film billed to be a romantic comedy being made under AK Entertainments Banner.Popular director Maruthi is providing story and screenplay, apart from co-producing the film. Yama Danger is tagline of the film for which Ghibran is composing music. More details about the project will be unveiled soon.