Yes! The most happening beauty who sizzled the screen in Current Theega has created a sensation among all the heroines who played the cricket match today. As said earlier, Rakul played for Nagarjuna’s team which was actually leaded by Akhil Akkineni.
When she got a chance to bowl a lady player of the team against NTR, she bowled and caught the same ball. This is purely a professional stunt claimed the commentators. This stunt was repeated by Sachin Joshi in the final match that was between Venkatesh and Nagarjuna.
Rakul has also hit two fours and gave a boost to the team. This is truly an awesome performance by this dazzling beauty who proves to be multi-talent person. So, this event is sure to pull out the hidden talent from stars. So, what do you think? Is the event living upto expectations? Or are the stars taking it lightly? Well, let’s see!