Super talented actress Rakul Preet Singh has been busy promoting her next outing Jaya Janaki Nayaka which has been directed by Boyapati Sreenu. During a recent interview, Rakul has been asked the best dancer among her co-stars NTR, Allu Arjun and Ramcharan.
Without any hesitation, Rakul replied saying that Tarak is the best dancer and he doesn’t even rehearse before for the song. After the choreographer shows the dance move, Tarak gets ready for the take. She even revealed that Allu Arjun and Ramcharan takes time to prepare and rehearse for the dance moves.
Tarak’s fans have been left in delight with the statement made by Rakul. This is not the first time, Tarak’s grasping skills have been hailed, it has been revealed by many actors and technicians earlier.