Gorgeous Punjabi hottie Rakul Preet Singh has made Tollywood her permanent base. Recently, there were reports that Rakul will be buying a residential flat and settle down in Hyderabad. As per the latest buzz, Rakul has shelled out a whopping 3 crore and became a proud owner of a posh house.
Rakul’s new pad is in Jubilee Hills and her bungalow is just a minute’s walk from the YSRCP chief Jagan’s residence Lotus Pond. The three-bedroom house spread over 16,000 square feet and Rakul’s parents and brother will also be moving in with her.
Ever since the success of Venkatadri Express, Rakul has been staying in a star hotel near hi-tech city. However, the actress decided to buy herself a house and settle down. Recently, Rakul also owned the franchise of the noted fitness chain F45.