Gorgeous actress Rakul Preet Singh, who is celebrating her birthday today, on Tuesday, has a packed schedule. She has elaborately explained her plans ranging from charity works to late-night party.
Yesterday, Rakul visited a school in Rajendra Nagar, Hyderabad and distributed books and sweets to the students. The SPYder actress revealed that it gives her immense satisfaction to do this activity every year a day before her birthday. In the evening, she threw a cozy party for her friends and colleagues, which went on till late night. Several noted actors from Tollywood attended this lavish party.
She makes it a point every year to visit a Gurudwara in the morning of her birthday. And then, she takes her staff for lunch. Later, she spends time with her family. The actress also meets her fans, and along with them, she goes to slum areas or orphanages and distributes the needy things.