Energetic Hero Ram’s next under the direction of his Kandireega director, Santosh Srinivas is progressing at brisk pace. The team is right now canning the crucial interval sequence of the film at Vishakapatnam Harbour. The shooting in the coastal city will go on till 30th of this month and then the team will shift to Hyderabad.
The actor will be romancing his Shiva co-star, Raashi Khanna once again in this film. The director with his first movie, Kandireega delivered a blockbuster to Ram but then bagged a big disaster with his second film, Rabhasa starring NTR. The makers are planning to release it for Dussehra. That will mean that the film will clash with Ram Charan’s Dhruva at the box office.
Venkat Boyanapalli presents this movie produced by Ram Achanta, Gopichand Achanta and Anil Sunkara on their 14 Reels Entertainment banner. Ghibran has been roped in to compose music for the film which has Art by Avinash and Story-Screenplay by the director himself. More details of the project later.